Nana competed at LPHS Dancing with faculty in December and took 3rd place (1st of all the women). She did a great job and was wonderful at "shaking her tushie".
We took the kids to the special Trick-O-Treat party in California Adventure. We all dressed up and got the get lots of pictures with the characters. It was a lot of fun. Dylan was a Devil, Isabel as a POP star (not Hannah Montana), Alexa was a glamor witch & Noah was Darth Vader. Jay and I were both Devils too.
We got to enjoy Disneyland as a family with the Alta Ballroom Team. It was tons of fun! Thur Morning through Wed night....6 nights in LA, 5 days in Disney, 1 day at the beach, 1 day shopping in he "Alley" for fun fashion finds. More pics to come!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Uncle Joe called today to ask if he could take the kids to park because he was "bored". Joe, you're are a Mom's dream, come over and play anytime!!! He took the kids to park and then played Wii with Noah. He experienced Lexi drinking from a puddle (YUCK) and asking to lick a rock. He wisely told her to wait until she washed it first (aka, when Mom is around). She promptly came home and washed the rock, applied frosting to it and took a lick. I walked in during the licking and could only get her to stop when I told her the rock probably had bug pooh on it. That luckily got her to throw it, and the remaining frosting, on the trash. FEWW!
Noah and Staley had a great time playing today. Stayley LOVES to play outside a bit more than Noah does and kept asking Noah to join him. Noah was a pretty good sport and followed him out quite a bit, but kept expressing that he was "tired and wants to take a rest." They were so cute.
Dylan and Isabel started school today. Dylan 4th Grade & Isabel 1st Grade. Alexa is so excited to start Kindergarten next Thursday! Noah gets to go to preschool 1 day a week soon too!
Alexa Lost her First Tooth tonight! It's been loose for weeks but today she played with it and pulled it out with Dylan and Isabel's help. Mommy heard Dylan say "here Alexa, come in the bathroom with me because Mom will say Ewwww Gross if she sees it."
We went to met your teacher day at the Elementary. Kids all got great teachers. Alexa and Isabel were a little nervous. Isabel was so sweet showing Alexa around the same Kindergarten classroom she had last year. As we are walking around Alexa says with excited eyes... "Mommy is this a dream?"
In the bathroom getting ready to style the girls hair, on the morning after Alexa's new haircut. Alexa - "Mommy please don't do it so I look like a boy." Mommy - "I won't, we'll make it look cute." Isabel- "I like long hair best. It's so pretty....look how long my hair is."
Alexa (5) played with Libby (4) today at Libby's house. At 5:30 Libby's Mom called to ask if I was in a "good mood". She explained that Libby and Alexa had taken turns cutting each others hair. (sigh)...good thing Mommy was in a good mood.
Alexa didn't want to let anybody cut her hair more to fix it, because it was still long in some places. Daddy gave her 2 options. 1. Daddy would shave her head like Dylan's (a buzz cut) 2. Karla could cut her hair short like Alice in Twilight :)
We took the kids to Yellowstone National Park July 17th through the 20th. We had a great time. Before we left we had the kids make dye dyed shirts that they wore in the park. I've been surprised to see Dylan wearing his back at home too. :)
I went to water the Heads flowers while they were in Hawaii.....but stepped on their railroad ties wrong and sprained my angle really bad! WHATEVER! My entire foot turned black and blue. I won't be able to play soccer ALL SUMMER!!!!
I've decided I'd better get with the times and start my own blog......Welcome to the world of the Jay and Amy Hafen Family. If your visiting you must love us so thanks for that!