Sunday, June 20, 2010


Today being Fathers Day I thought it would be a good day to write a few thoughts about the Fathers in my life...
-My Father in Heaven, the one who makes all things possible. Loves me no matter what and always knows what I should do.
-My Dad, the man who gives the best hugs, has a smile that emits warmth and who would do anything for me! I love you so much and couldn't ask for a better Father.
-My Kids Dad, my earthly voice of reason, my prince charming, my shoulder to cry on, my dog to kick (bad me!), my ear to talk off, my cheering section, the one who puts up with my bad moods & crazy ideas, the laundry master :), the best kisser, the soccer DAD my boys need, the fairly tail Dad my girls need, and the husband that I need & always dreamed of. Jay you are amazing.

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